Here are a few tips to assist you in submitting a grant application.
Grant applications should:
- be specific and well-written
- have a specific budget and explanation of how and when funds will be spent
- be tied to a learning goal or meet a specific unmet need of students or residents
- ideally, support projects that are collaborative and that have the potential to be duplicated by other classrooms or sites
A successful school-based application will:
- support projects that encourage and facilitate innovative teaching practices
- enrich learning in the classroom
- promote collaboration and the exchange of ideas
- further district initiatives and curriculum goals
Some reasons why grants may not be approved:
- the goal of the project is unclear
- the cost per student is exceptionally high and/or the number of students affected is very low
- the application requests the purchase of technology or software that cannot be supported by the district
- the project is not clearly tied to learning goals
- the project could easily be funded by other sources
- the project is not innovative or does not have a sound plan to evaluate success
- the request falls within a category of grants that WEF does not fund